Valentine Shootout


7 v 7 Valentine Shootout

2024 Tournament Rules

  1. One draw to start the game. Goalie clear after every goal and save.
  2. 7 field players and one goalie.
  3. One player and defender must stay back behind the midfield restraining line
  4. Referees will keep official score and their score is final!!!
  5. If a game ends in a tie score, Braveheart starts with a draw, with one field player and one goalie from each team will play to determine the winner. Sudden victory to the first team that scores.
  6. Positive cheering and good sportsmanship towards players and Referees is expected and appreciated!!
  7. Results will be posted on the Big Board.
  8. Top three teams from each pool in the Varsity Divisions will play a 5th game.
  9. Top two teams from each pool the JV division will play a 5th game.
REMEMBER TO PARK LEGALLY!! YOU WILL PROBABLY GET TOWED IF YOU PARK ILLEGALLY. We encourage carpooling to maximize parking spaces. Read the signs where you park! You have been warned.